Cli​ff Richard Radio
24/7 Non-Stop Cliff Richard Music

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Thanks for listening! You have terrific taste.
Welcome to Cliff Richard Radio, the only place in the world where you can listen to the music of Sir Cliff Richard's extensive music catalogue 24/​7 world-wide via our Internet Radio Station. You can listen here by pressing the play (arrow) button at the top of the screen, most web browsers will play automatically, or by downloading the free GETME Radio app or Audials Play (outside of the UK only) app for all s​mart devices and search Cliff Richard Radio. Alternatively, to listen to us on Sonos, Apple TV and other smart speakers download the Radio.net app from radio.net
We hope that you will enjoy our station that over the last 11 years has been your respected and dedicated source for the complete back catalogue of Cliff music.
Want to join a Fanclub? Here is how:
This is the link is to the Cliff Richard Fan Club (London and Surrey). Although described as an region specific club, this club is actually international, with a strong membership and Facebook presence. Please feel free to peruse their website and follow the links to everything that takes your fancy!
Photo By Paul Dyer

Manchester 2018
Email: cliffrichardradio@gmail.com
Have any Cliff items or memorabilia that you wish to donate to us please email us above. These will be used in our Cliff Studio Museum, if music or video on air. We also offer a transfer service, email admin@cliffrichardradio.com for more information.
If you wish to make a donation to help keep Cliff Richard Radio on air please click on the Keep Cliff Richard Radio On Air page at the top and it will direct you to PayPal. Any donation is welcomed.